Affirmations for Coping with Emotional Pain
Growing Through Pain
I thank the universe for providing me with opportunities to grow and to transform.
I am a stronger and wiser person because of my tests and challenges.
Better the pain, than to remain the same.
I see all problems as disguised opportunities.
I bless and release all of my old pain.
Whatever the problem, God reveals the perfect solution.
I learn from every situation I encounter.
Each of my life’s experiences contains a valuable teaching.
Behind every dark cloud there lies a rainbow.
All things are working for good in my life.
Affirmations for Loss and Grief
To watch a YouTube video on Affirmations for Loss and Grief, click below:
Although I grieve for what I lost, I have faith that a greater good lies before me.
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
A broken heart is an open heart: my heart has been opened by my pain.
When my heart breaks, I become more compassionate and loving.
My vulnerability is my strength.
Affirmations for Anger and Resentment
I bless and release all those who have caused me pain.
I forgive everyone; I forgive myself; I let go of the past; I am free!
I forgive myself for whatever suffering I have caused myself or others.
I let myself back into my heart.
As I forgive, so am I forgiven.
Affirmations for Despair/Hopelessness
This, too, shall pass.
What goes down must come up; I know this to be true in my life.
I can sense the light at the end of the tunnel.
I can feel the sun coming over the horizon.
I expect a miracle to occur at any moment.
Don’t give up five minutes before the miracle!
Affirmations for Fear
I am divinely protected
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
If God is for me, who can be against me?
I live in a safe and nurturing world.
I feel the fear and proceed anyway.
Affirmations for Anxiety about the Future
I allow Infinite wisdom to direct and guide my way.
When I let go and let God, everything works out.
As I allow God to be in charge, perfect results are unfolding
As I focus fully on the present moment; the future takes care of itself.
Living one day at a time brings me peace, joy and serenity.
Focusing on the present heals my fear of the unknown.
The universe nurtures and supports me at all times, and in all places.
It’s all unfolding perfectly.
All things are working together for good in my life.