Affirmations for Physical Health
God in me is my health right now.
God in me is my strength; I overflow with vitality.
Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
My body is the temple of the living spirit, and so I take good care of it.
I treat my body like royalty.
I love my body.
I am vital and alive.
I feed my body nutritious, wholesome foods.
I exercise my body in a fun and enjoyable way. Physical movement increases my energy and vitality
I will take the time to breathe. Breathing deeply from my diaphragm brings oxygen to my brain and body, giving me energy and mental focus.
I give my body adequate rest. I observe regular sleep hours and make sure I get the hours of sleep my body needs.
I manage my physical energy wisely. When I notice I am feeling tired, I take time to relax and to renew.
I acknowledge and meet my body’s need for loving, healing touch. I share one hug (or more) with another person, or take time to pet my cat or dog.
I notice something positive about my body. I send my body love and say “thank you” for all that it does for me.
My body is the perfect size and shape.
I am a strong and healthy person.
All the cells of my body are daily bathed in the perfection of my divine being.
I am healthy, happy and radiant.
I radiate good health.
My body is a safe and pleasurable place for me to be.
My sleep is relaxed and refreshing.
I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals and to fulfill my desires.
God’s love heals me and makes me whole.
My body is healed, restored and filled with energy.