Creating Affirmations
Watch this video on how to create an affirmation
How to Create a Healing Affirmation
Using affirmations to heal your life is a simple and enjoyable process. What follows is a method to create a healing affirmation that I have found to be quite effective.
- Pick an area of your life that needs healing. The topic of your affirmation can involve a relationship, your health, work, finances, peace of mind, etc. For an example, let’s choose the area of relationships. Perhaps you have been carrying around some old anger that you are now ready to release.
- Decide what you want to occur in that area of your life. What would it feel like if that part of your life were healed? In our example, you probably want to let go of the anger and experience peace and forgiveness.
- State the desired outcome in the first person. As you write your words, keep in mind the following points:
- The first and most important principle in structuring an affirmation is to state it in the positive. When you say, “I am not angry,” the subconscious mind screens out the “not” and hears “I am angry.” To prevent this from occurring, rephrase the affirmation to directly state what you want—e.g. “I am peaceful now.”
- Second and just as important, write affirmations in the present tense, as if they were happening in this moment. Thus, you say “I am filled with peace” instead of “I will become filled with peace.”
- Experience how it feels. Once you have written your affirmation, say it to yourself a few times and listen to your response. When you have found a good affirmation, you will feel a sense of rightness in your gut. If the affirmation doesn’t quite feel right, you can fine tune it by altering one or two words. Thus, “I am experiencing peace,” may work better if stated as “I am at peace” or “I am peace.”
- Repeat your affirmation each day. Say it to yourself, say it out loud,or write it down. Repetition is the mother of learning. When you repeat an affirmation, it impresses its thought pattern on your mind and transforms your previously held beliefs. The more you use your affirmation, the more rapid and powerful the healing will be. Soon those words will become a living presence in your awareness. Later, you will actually become those words. If you repeat the affirmation, I am peace, you will become peace. When you say, I am love, you are love.
- Turn the final outcome over to a higher power. How many times have you thought you wanted something, only to realize later that having it would have been a major fiasco? Oftentimes, we affirm a certain want or desire when in fact the universe has something entirely different planned—something, which is for our higher good. For this reason, I always conclude my affirmations with the following statement: This or something better now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned. This way, I know that my will and the will of the universe are aligned.
Techniques for Further Reinforcing Affirmations
Over the years, I have discovered a number of techniques that can reinforce your affirmations to make them more effective and powerful. Here are some of my favorites.
- Use rhyme. Words that rhyme seem to make a more powerful impression on the subconscious mind than blank verse. This principle is illustrated in the following story. A man suffering from a physical illness received a healing affirmation from his minister. Soon his condition improved. “I guess that affirmation did the trick,” the minister said when he heard the news. “Well, to tell you the truth,” the man replied, “I lost your affirmation the day after you gave it to me.” “How then, did you heal yourself so quickly?” asked his puzzled friend. The man responded, “Since I couldn’t remember your affirmation, I simply told myself, ‘Oh hell, I’m well.’” Other rhyming affirmations include, “I play for pay,” “I will Thy will” and “I feel fine when I’m on time.” Experiment and create your own.
- Sing the affirmations to yourself once you have created a rhyme. The great Indian poet Tagore said, “God respects me when I pray, but he loves me when I sing.”
- Place written copies of your affirmations on walls, the car dashboard, the refrigerator—anywhere that will make them visible. One woman sticks her affirmations to the bathroom mirror so that she sees them each morning and evening. strong>• Make a cassette tape of your affirmation using your own voice. You can play the tape as you fall asleep, upon awakening, or throughout the day.
- State your affirmation while you look at yourself in the mirror. This is a very powerful way of making contact with yourself.
- Incorporate creative visualization with your affirmations. See yourself experiencing the good that you desire in the present moment. Another application of this principle is to make a “treasure map”—a collage of pictures and words that creates a visual presentation of the good you are seeking. Human beings have many different ways of perceiving. Thus, when you say, see, and feel your affirmation, your mental perceptions are powerfully combined to produce the optimum result.
- Give thanks, before or after your affirmation. This is based upon the principle, whatever you appreciate grows and expands. The affirmation “I am healthy and prosperous” becomes even more powerful when stated as “I give thanks for my health and prosperity.” See if you can feel the difference.
- Create an affirmation notebook or journal in which you can record your affirmations and keep track of your progress over time. These techniques have been tested over time by friends and students. I encourage you to incorporate them with your own affirmations.
When Affirmations Don’t “Work”
Although the principles behind affirmations are universally true, those who practice affirmations often experience mixed results. Here are some obstacles that can block the effectiveness of a good affirmation.
- The affirmation is not sufficiently repeated. Remember, repetition is the mother of learning. Any new thought pattern must be repeated many times before it becomes a mental habit.
- The affirmation is not specific enough. When a friend at a workshop affirmed “I want more money,” the trainer gave him twenty-five cents. The universe will respond in a similar manner unless you are specific and concrete about what you want.
- The affirmation lacks a strong feeling element. A nonchalant approach will not work here. Your affirmation needs to be charged with feeling and intention.
- You don’t really believe the affirmation to be true. In other words, a part of you holds a thought that directly counters the affirmation. Almost everyone who uses affirmations faces this inner resistance. The more healing the affirmation, the stronger the resistance that comes up. As you will see by clicking on the link below, learning to deal with this negative self-talk is essential if you wish to successfully use affirmations in your daily life. Continue reading … “Using Affirmations to Transform Negative Beliefs.”