Affirmations for Self-Esteem
I like myself.
I value myself.
I have something unique to offer.
I deserve to be happy.
I treat myself to the very best.
I am a good person
I love myself just the way I am.
I accept myself as I am.
I feel good about me.
I like my essence.
I take responsibility for my well being
I take good care of myself.
I respect who I am.
I am confident and self-assured.
I am a valuable person who deserves to be whole and well.
I release the need to compare myself to others. I honor and celebrate my own uniqueness.
I appreciate myself.
I acknowledge my positive traits or qualities.
I am one of a kind. I have my own unique gifts to offer the world.
I treat myself as I would my own best friend.
I am capable, competent and worthy.
I accept my imperfections. I see myself as a work in progress, growing and evolving.
I am me, and I am enough.