When One Door Closes Another Door Opens
One of my favorite affirmations is “When one door closes, another door opens.” I love this affirmation so much, thatI used it as the title for my first meditation in the book Words That Heal. Here is the meditation in it’s entirety, along with the healing affirmations that accompany it.
Best Affirmations for Guidance
In this post, I want to talk about affirmations for guidance. The times they are a changing. During this period of uncertainty, many of us are seeking reliable ways to receive guidance and direction in our lives. But with our familiar signposts in chaos and turmoil, there is only one certain way to obtain the…
An Affirmation For Getting Through a Depressive Episode
I am writing to share an affirmation for getting through a depressive episode that was a lifesaver for me. Years ago I was experiencing a hellish episode of agitated depression. My pain was not only unbearable, it felt like it was never going to end. Just when I was about to give up, I remembered an affirmation that…
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Best Affirmations for Finding Your Purpose
How can you go about finding your purpose? Everyone has a dream. Everyone has a purpose or mission, something specific he is called to do. You are on this earth for a reason. Although you can temporarily hide from yourself, you can never lose your connection to your purpose. It is always with you, beckoning…
Best Affirmations for Following Your Heart
Consider the following story of misplaced priorities. While hiking in the wilderness, I met a man whose T-shirt carried the following message: “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” As I pondered those words, I was sure that the author meant the opposite of what he said. No one on his death bed ever…
Best Affirmations for Anger Management
One important application of affirmations is using affirmations for anger management. When anger is not felt and expressed in a healthy way, it gets inappropriately directed towards others resulting in aggressive behavior, or it is turned inward resulting in wimpy behavior. Fortunately, there is an alternative–being assertive. When you are assertive, you state your feelings,…