Words That Heal is a book of spiritual guidance that is designed to:
- Help you to use the creative power of thought to shape your own reality.
- Provide you with daily inspiration that will raise your spirits and enhance the quality of your life.
- Get you in touch with your inner knowing. For many centuries, humanity depended upon institutions and doctrines to lead it to the experience of our God-consciousness. As we approach the dawn of a new age, we are learning to rely upon our own intuition to experience the divinity within.
What others are saying about this book…
“I wholeheartedly endorse Douglas Bloch’s work on affirmations. Words damaged our souls and there are words that heal. Please read it!” – John Bradshaw
“A wonderful book for those who are willing to open their hearts.” – Jerry Jampolsky, author of “Love is Letting Go of Fear”
“An inspiring an uplifting guide. I recommend ‘Words That Heal’ to anyone who is on the path to recovery.” – Casey C., Alanon
The heart of the “Words That Heal” book consists of a series of 52 passages or “teachings,” each of which contains 3 parts:
1. A Meditation
- short passage that offers thoughts and reflections about a specific subject or life experience. Each meditation will speak to you in its own way, providing support, comfort, insight, and understanding.
2. A series of Affirmations
- Positive thoughts and ideas that when repeated will help you to transform your negative beliefs and attitudes. For those readers not familiar with affirmations, the text begins with an overview of what affirmations are and how to use them.
3. A Quotation that encapsulates the essence of the teaching.
While it is possible to read the passages straight through as you would a novel, think of the book as a collection of individual stories, each of which tells its own tale and can be approached one at a time.
Refer to Words That Heal as you would any other inspirational work. You can consult with it on a regular basis or periodically, whenever you feel the need to go within and access your “secret place of the most high.”
Table of Contents
Affirmations: The Art of Positive Speaking
The Main Text-List of Meditations
1. When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens
2. Let Go and Let God
3. One Day at a Time
4. I Choose the World in Which I Live
5. Empty Yourself and Receive
6. Don’t Give Up Five Minutes Before the Miracle
7. Alone I Stand United
8. Seek God First
9. Giving is Receiving
10. Everyone is Your Teacher
11. Heaven on Earth
12. According to Your Belief
13. Feel your Feelings
14. Prosperity/Abundance
15. Growth Through Pain
16. A Broken Heart is An Open Heart
17. Listen to Yourself
18. Words That Heal
19. Guidance
20. Count Your Blessings
21. The Universe Wants the Best for You
22. The Challenge of Change
23. Patience
24. Love Yourself
25. Enjoy the Journey
26. You Make a Difference
27. You Have the Power
28. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
29. Do What You Love: The Universe Will Provide
30. Give Thanks
31. This Too Shall Pass
32. Death be not Proud
33. Transforming Our World
34. It’s All Unfolding Perfectly
35. The Silver Lining
36. Release
37. Forgiveness
38. The Divinity Within
39. You Can Heal Your Life
40. The Joy of Laughter
41. Think on These Things
42. Judge Not
43. Service
44. Life is for Learning
45. Faith
46. My and Thy Will Are One
47. Ask and You Shall Receive
48. Look to Your Source
49. Simplicity
50. Protection
51. Character is Destiny
52. Love Your Body
Epilogue: Reflections on the Transformational Journey
Appendix: Sample Affirmations listed according to subject.