“Listening To Your Inner Voice” is a book of spiritual guidance that is designed to:
- Help you to use the creative power of thought to shape your own reality
- Provide you with daily inspiration that will raise your spirits and enhance the quality of your life
- Get you in touch with your inner knowing
What others are saying about this book…
“Douglas Bloch’s affirmations are healing and empowering, helping the reader to remember and renew the all-important connection to spirit-the very source of guidance and love.”
– Joan Borysenko, author of “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind”
“A wonderful guide to promoting high self-value and inner confidence through the affirmation process.”
– Dennis Wholey, author of “The Courage to Change”
“An easy-to-use and practical handbook for anyone seeking to live life fully.”
– Mary Manin Morrissey, author of “Building Your Field of Dreams”
“Listening To Your Inner Voice” consists of a series of 52 passages or “teachings,” each of which contains 3 parts:
1. A Meditation
- short passage that offers thoughts and reflections about a specific subject or life experience. Each meditation will speak to you in its own way, providing support, comfort, insight, and understanding.
2. A series of Affirmations
- Positive thoughts and ideas that when repeated will help you to transform your negative beliefs and attitudes. For those readers not familiar with affirmations, the text begins with an overview of what affirmations are and how to use them.
3. A Quotation that encapsulates the essence of the teaching.
While the format of “Listening to Your Inner Voice” closely follows that of “Words That Heal“, there exists a subtle difference in the underlying themes of the books’ meditations.
The inspiration for “Words That Heal” came to me during a difficult period in my life when I had just lost a home, job, and primary relationship. In order to respond to the despair I was facing, the words that came through me spoke of hope, comfort, and support.
By the time I started “Listening to Your Inner Voice“, I had emerged from the darkness and a new challenge presented itself. I asked, “Now that I am no longer preoccupied with the pain, what is my next step? How can I now let in touch with and fully express my purpose in life?” The essays of “Listening to Your Inner Voice” reflect this shift by speaking more to the issues of individuality, purpose, guidance, and direction than to those of pain and loss.
I like to think of this evolution as being analogous to the process of recovering from alcoholism. The first step is to stop drinking. Then, when sobriety is achieved, the real work of recovery can begin.
Table of Contents
Listening To Your Inner Voice
Supporting Your Inner Voice Through Affirmations
Healing The Beliefs That Bind You
Revelations From The Unconscious
Creating A Daily Ritual
Instructions For Using The Main Text
Listening To Your Inner Voice means…
… to go within and find your sense of purpose.
1. To Dream Is To Be Practical
2. Your Life Is Your Art
3. To Thine Own Self Be True
4. The True Treasure
5. Living Your Priorities
6. Finding Your Purpose
7. Not By Bread Alone
8. Life Is For giving
9. What Will I Leave Behind?
10. All Assignments Are Equal
… to consciously choose to express that purpose.
11. The Divine Partnership
12. Persistence
13. The Power Of A Made-Up Mind
14. Discipline
15. It Is Better To Light A Candle
16. Courage
17. Claim Your Inheritance
18. Let The Power Work Through You
19. Each Must Carry His Own Burden
20. Believe In Yourself
… to work with resistance and pain as it comes up and release it.
21. The Wounded Healer
22. Turning Lead Into Gold
23. Better The Pain Than To Remain the Same
24. Healing The Inner Child
25. Open Your Heart Again
26. Forgive And Move On
27. Letting Go
28. Moving Through Loss
29. You Can’t Heal What You Can’t Feel
30. The Strength To Overcome
… to work with spirit and let the universe direct and assist you.
31. The Future Is Not What It Used To Be
32. Who Is Directing This Movie?
33. Hang On Tightly, Let Go Lightly
34. The Universe Knows Best
35. God Does Great Things Through Me
36. Keep The Faith
37. The Eleventh Hour
38. One Step At A Time
39. Turning It Over
40. The Readiness Is All
41. If God Seems Far Away, Who Moved?
42. The Wisdom Of Insecurity
…to reap the rewards of a joyful and peaceful life.
43. A Satisfied Mind
44. Let Peace Begin With Me
45. Joy Is My Compass
46. Amazing Grace
47. Oneness
48. Acceptance
49. Do It From Love
50. Look For the Good
51. The Power Of Optimism
52. The Truth Shall Make You Free
Epilogue: Reflections On Following Your Bliss
Appendix A: How To Create A Healing Affirmation
Appendix B: Healing Codependency Through Affirmations